The Ultimate Sales Training For New Insurance Agents!

Rewrite This is the ultimate mashup video for new insurance agents or people wanting to get into the business. In this video, I go over how much money new insurance agents can make, which insurance license you should get first, 5 tips for new insurance agents, and much more!
#InsuranceSales #InsuranceAgent #Insurance
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Who is Cody Askins?
Founder of 8% Nation, CEO of Cody Askins LLC, Co-Owner of Secure Agent Marketing, speaker, entrepreneur, and author of Zero To Six Figures, Creator of the Cody Askins YouTube Channel which has amassed over 80,000 subscribers… Cody Askins owns & operates a bunch of companies that generate TENS of MILLIONS in annual revenue. CA is also the founder of The 8% Movement & The 8% Nation Conference, the industry’s largest event for all insurance agents to attend.
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