Finance Videos

Kotak Life Insurance|How and |Why to become an advisor|Opportunity for teachers in lockdown|#kotak

Rewrite In this video i explain how to become an advisor and more than that why to become an advisor. I want to told you to become an advisor not an agent from which persons tried to keep distance once they saw them or even they hear the name of that person. If you do your work with honesty in kotak life insurance then definitiely a day will come when you achieved your goal.Here i show you how kotak life insurance is different from other life insurance company especially from the one on which every one move just because of that it is handle by government but just think why we choose private school for students not government schools, private bus rather than govt. bus, private hospitals rather than government if someone is able to pay, in the same manner I took your focus for the Kotak life insurance.
The video includes step by step method to improve and keep yourself at the highest point of kotak life insurance in a branch i.e branch manager.
Just watch this video and share the same if you want to convince any person to become an advisor under your guidance.
Feel free to become an advisor under my guidance.for trust I am sharing you my personal Facebook profile.
Thank You
Er. GyiAvinash Kumar and make it seo optimized


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