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દરરોજ નવું જાણવા માટે અમારી ચેનલ ને સબસ્ક્રાઈબ કરો #motivation #information #youtubeshorts

Rewrite [14/12/2024, 5:34 pm] meraniruddh: #Information


#Information is #Business

Information becomes your power when you increase your curiosity for reaching unknown boundaries. Information is like trending news. Use it or lose it.

सफल लोग अपने बिजनेस को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए छोटी-छोटी जानकारी इकट्ठा करते रहते हैं क्योंकि जानकारी ही ताकत होती है। जितना ज्यादा आप खुद को जानते हैं, जितना ज्यादा आप अपने बिजनेस को जानते हैं, जितना ज्यादा आप रिसर्च करते हैं, उतनी ही ज्यादा संभावना बढ़ जाती है सफल होने के लिए।

जानकारी ही संसाधन बन जाती है। जब तक सफलता के रास्ते की जानकारी नहीं होती है, तब तक संघर्ष होता है और जिस दिन रास्ता मिल जाता है, संघर्ष खत्म हो जाता है, सफलता के दरवाजे खुल जाते हैं। इसीलिए प्रयास परिणाम बदलने के लिए जरूरी होते हैं। आप प्रयास करते चले जाएं, रास्ते खुलते चले जाएंगे।

जानकारी सबसे बड़ी पूंजी है। लोग आपके लिए पूंजी बन सकते हैं। सिर्फ लोगों को समझने की जरूरत है और उन्हें अपने लक्ष्य के लिए तैयार करने की जरूरत है। इस दुनिया में दो तरीके का बिजनेस होता है, पहला सूचनाओं का और दूसरा लोगों का। जिसके पास जितने ज्यादा लोग होते हैं उतनी ज्यादा उसकी ताकत होती है, उतनी ज्यादा उसकी उपलब्धियां होती हैं, उतने ज्यादा उसके पास सहयोगी होते हैं और उतनी ज्यादा उसके पास संभावनाएं होती हैं।
[14/12/2024, 5:35 pm] meraniruddh: About the Trainer :

Master of Leadership Psychology, Pushkar Raj Thakur is one of the Most Influential Motivational Speaker & Digital Entrepreneurship Coach in India. A SelfMade Millionaire on the Mission to Make India #GoSelfMade. Inspiring millions of people, he is regarded as the Youth Icon and the Change Expert.

He has been featured into several publications such as The Times of India, Hindustan Times, etc. He trains on Success Mindset, Influencing People, Network Marketing, Leadership, Sales, Performance Acceleration, Wealth Creation and Life Mastery.

He is the Creator of his trademark Courses, “The Last Course for Your Best life”, “Bang On in Network Marketing”, “The Design of My Life” & “The Fast Track Millionaire Course”.

He is a Serial Entrepreneur and Founder of Coursedes Learning Solutions Pvt, India’s Leading E-Learning Platform committed to provide Self Help, Skills Development & Income Oriented Training Courses by the Best Trainers in the Industry!

He is the founder of PRT GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, which is a Peak Performance Training & Development firm, providing Leadership & Entrepreneurship Skills to the Individuals & Organisations to attain continuous growth & acceleration in revenue generation & overall brand enhancement.
[14/12/2024, 5:35 pm] meraniruddh: People love Pushkar Raj Thakur for his Electrifying Motivation and Life Transforming Wisdom. He is a Humorous and yet Thought Provoking Master of Motivation, a deadly combination in a Motivational Speaker!

Caution: Getting into his Courses Immediately Leads to Change in Mental Framework and Chances for Success in any area of Life!

Ask any question you have in comments below or email:
[25/12/2024, 4:43 pm] meraniruddh: Special Thanks to Mr.Hardik Mangroliya ((Founder of Simba Institute), Rinkal Mangroliya And Simba Institute All Team – Surat

Paras Pandhi organizes three types of programs on different topics; that are Lokdayaro, Seminar, and One-day Seminar.

The Lokdayaro is the most significant part of Gujarati culture, which comprises our traditional and domestic talks that encourage our rituals. Paras Pandhi loves the Lokdayaro very much, because people in Dayaro, love to listen to the stories from the history written and formed by the great saints, heroes, and literates in our country.

Paras Pandhi, in the motivation program, likes to present such stories in such a way that the new generation can easily understand, and cultivate the feeling of learning new values because today’s youth can easily imitate the experiences of prosperous and happy people in the world. The pro forma of the motivation program is comprised accordingly.

The One-day Seminar is a one-day workshop. It plays a big role in changing one’s life. Paras Pandhi organizes this seminar through his team.

Only when the youth becomes rich in thoughts, it can impart betterment to the family, as well as the nation. This website will help you for more information
[25/12/2024, 4:44 pm] meraniruddh: Do you want to learn how to invest like a Gujarati and achieve financial freedom with low risk and high return? In this video, I will summarize the book The Dhandho Investor by Mohnish Pabrai, a successful Gujarati investor who has applied the principles of Dhandho to his own portfolio. Dhandho means “endeavors that create wealth while taking virtually no risk” in Gujarati. You will learn how Marwari and Gujarati businessmen have used this method to become rich and how you can apply it to your own investments. Watch this video till the end and discover the secret of Gujarati wealth.

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